Everybody has a story. Her story, his story, their story, and our stories are powerful tools for building connections between the diverse individuals that have become the WordPress community. Through Hallway Chats, Topher DeRosia and Nyasha Green aim to dig into and share the stories of this wonderful community.

Episode 152 – Aditya Kane

Episode 152 – Aditya Kane

Aditya hails from Pune, India, and has been working in WordPress for more than a decade, as well as being a WordCamp organizer multiple times and volunteering at other events. Join us as we talk about how he got into WordPress, what he’s gotten from the community, and what he’s given back.

Episode 150 – Cate and Topher DeRosia

Episode 150 – Cate and Topher DeRosia

The DeRosias are the founders and stewards of HeroPress. If you don’t already know about it, HeroPress tells the stories of people who have leveraged WordPress and its community to change their lives and achieve their goals. Through these stories, global connections are made and conversations are had that build a stronger community, more employment, and educational opportunities, and easier access to resources.

Episode 147 – Patrick Rauland

Episode 147 – Patrick Rauland

Patrick Rauland is obsessed with eCommerce. He’s created eCommerce websites for clients, worked at WooCommerce in support, development, and product management, and he creates courses on LinkedIn Learning for WooCommerce. He’s written several books on eCommerce, and also runs WooSesh, an online conference all about WooCommerce.