Everybody has a story. Her story, his story, their story, and our stories are powerful tools for building connections between the diverse individuals that have become the WordPress community. Through Hallway Chats, Topher DeRosia and Nyasha Green aim to dig into and share the stories of this wonderful community.

Episode 13: Becky Davis

Episode 13: Becky Davis

Becky Davis runs her own WordPress business and is active in the WordPress community. She has spoken at many WordCamps all over the US and at WordCamp Europe in 2016. She has run the Chicago Northside WordPress Meetup for six years.

Episode 10: Kyle Brown

Episode 10: Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown consults with business owners to help them learn how to use processes and software to become more efficient, scale, increase profits or just free up time so they have the freedom to do what they want. He is the founder of wpSaaS.net and blogs at kylembrown.com.